Friday, July 26, 2013

Introducing: Belle and AJ's

Belle and AJ's

Introducing: Belle and AJ's

 I mentioned in an earlier post that my best friend and I have been working on a new business venture. That is my biggest excuse for the lack of blogging lately. Lack of blogging aside, I am SOOO excited. WE ARE MAKING HAIR BOWS! I know, I know. Welcome to an already flooded market. You can buy bows at Wal-Mart, K-mart, Target, any craft show, etc. I think what will make Belle and AJ's special is that Alex (the bestie) and I are two very different people with very different styles. Bringing those two styles together will help us to reach a variety of different moms, dads, and grannies who are looking to give their special little ones something unique. 
I feel like the two of us are in a very unique position. We both are lucky enough that we are helping to raise children that we did not give birth to ourselves. While I would readily argue that there are many things about being a mother that come naturally, there are some things that also come naturally when you can see children though different eyes. I think Alex and I both enjoy are situations because it's almost what we were made for. I've known that I wanted to teach high school since before I was in high school. Alex got a degree in Early Childhood Education. Being a part of young people's lives is just a part of who we are.

SOOO... What's our goal in all of this?
1. Make a little extra cash so we can spoil our own little ones.
2. Get out of the house and experience something that is solely ours.
3. Make other people's lives a little more beautiful.
Sounds like a game plan, eh?
If you like what you're reading so far, check out our Facebook page, and I hope you'll like what you see as well.

We know we are going to be pretty slow on the get go with this, and probably pretty slow all together. I already have my obsessions with Pinterest, meal planning, couponing, school work, cleaning, remodeling the house, my flower beds, the garden, my house plants, Buddy, etc. etc. So how on earth am I going to fit bows into all of this? (In other words, when can you come look at them in person and spend all your fun money???)
1. I am going to set up and sell at Dollar General in Central on most Saturday mornings.
2. The occasional craft fair. Right now we have a spot reserved for the Red Devil Rock Show on August 3rd.
3. Most importantly, you can send us a message on Facebook and we'll get back to you. We want to make the bows you want to have!

I really hope you'll like our Facebook page and keep in touch. I promise to keep blogging along as much as possible. Please comment and let me know what you think of the bows in the pictures. And feel free to comment on how beautiful my little model is, she had a BLAST!

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